Peru - Pisco
There was nothing much to the town of Pisco itself, except that it was cool to drink pisco sour in Pisco. This is pisco sour - it tastes kind of like a margarita with sugared egg-white foam on the top: 
The real attraction was the boat tour to Ballestas Islands - ¨the poor man's Galapagos Islands¨ according to the Lonely Planet. (This is true, we didn´t go to Galapagos because it wasn´t within our budget.) After getting on the wrong tour bus, thereby creating some confusion and urgent walkie-talkie conversations, we finally joined our group and got on the speed boat.
The speed boat. The guy behind Bill is not happy to be treated like a five year old:

Ballestas Islands are rock/cave islands, entirely covered with different types of birds, including penguins. (Imagine a scene from the Hitchcock movie, The Birds.) We also saw sea lions and dolphins. Very cool. Would have been cooler if I wasn´t nauseous the whole time (I get sea sick).
I love the penguins! I remember reading a newspaper article about penguins in Peru wandering into villages and the villagers getting so worried about them that they put them in their freezers. They finally published an article that said "please don't put the penguins in your freezer, they are actually native to this area, not the South Pole." You guys look like you are having fun! We are jealous!
Lil + Greg
BTW - We dispute your mosquito bite theory. Mosquitos like Greg much more than they like me.
That is so cute in a morbid kind of way. =) Maybe Greg uses a lotion that especially attracts mosquitos. I had stopped using lotions in Costa Rica because of the mosquitos and now I have bite scarred legs that are also dry and cracked. Very attractive.
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