Peru - Machu Picchu
The four day Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu is booked solid until July. Yay! Now we can just take the comfortable train & bus all the way up to Machu Picchu, rather than walking it. (This is my sentiment only, not Bill´s).
This is our fifth archaeological ruins visited on this trip (three in Mexico and one in Honduras), so I had a snotty ¨I am sure it´s overrated¨ attitude before going up there. Nope, Machu Picchu is definitely one of the most breathtaking sights I have ever seen.
Since we didn´t get to hike the Inca Trail, Bill made me hike up this Wayna Picchu peak:
We had to crawl through a small cave on the hike - I was not happy. 
Bill risking his life for a good picture:
Bill and a llama:
Huh? I don't know what I did but my comments got deleted.
Hey, did you see the little boy who keeps popping up at every turn of the bus trail and shouts goodbye in different languages?
Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Woni - you leave for Narobi tomorrow, rt? Have tons of fun! I didn´t know you´ve been to Machu Picchu...Nope, I didn´t see the multilingual boy. I do get a lot of Sayonara´s tho.
Donnie - after the short half a day hike, Bill and I are looking into going to a spa for our aching muscles!
Well the spa sounds nice, but please don't share those pictures, he he. Besides, nothing can beat my new desktop background of you two in front of Machu Pichu!
Enjoy, have a cold one on me somewhere (I'll have to pay you when you get back...unless paypal? Oh nevermind)
Spa pictures on the way soon, and I´m taking poolio up on the beer this evening.
Hi there, looks like a good time. I have always wanted to go there, but have only made it to Lima. Looks like a good time. Closest I have been to anything like that is Tikal in Guatemala. Have fun and catch ya soon.
Did your guide make you chew coca leaves to prevent altitude sickness? Oh, never mind, you don't have to answer that.
So awesome! We are definitely taking Hannah there some day.
Jeremy - we didn´t make it to Tikal...How was it? I heard it´s amazing. See you in Buenos Aires!
Jikja - tons of manufactured coca leaf products here, I saw coca teabag, coca candy, coca caramel...
Karrie - I want to bring my yet non-existent kid here some day too! We met a couple in their 50´s who visited Machu-Picchu 35 years ago, and returned this time with their grown son...
machu picchu!!
one of the places i plan to go within this life time!!
just looking at your photos makes me want to jump on a plane to machu picchu!!
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