Peru - Huacachina
We spent two nights in the oasis town of Huacachina. Huacachina is surrounded by these sand dunes (the white speck in the picture is me sitting on a sand hill, refusing to hike up any further.) :
We took a sand buggy tour of the dunes. This is a sand buggy:
I had imagined that the buggy tour would be a nice ride through the sand hills, enjoying the majestic desert scenery. Alas, it was more like being in a car going downhill on an almost vertical ski slope at 40mph. My whole life flashed before my eyes. After the first especially scary drive/drop down a hill, I told the driver I was going to get off the buggy and walk back to town. He laughed at me and said it would take half a day.
This is Bill sandboarding. We still have sand coming out of our ears:
On a different note, one thing I have been noticing on this trip is that my IQ goes down significantly when I have the heavy pack on my back. The only thought going through my brain is ´HEAVY...MUST PUT DOWN.´ Which explains why I agreed to staying in a hotel room with this disgusting bathroom.
I 120 percent understand your comment on your "IQ going down whenever you're carrying a heavy load on your back. LOL. Me, too!! It took a while for my bf to get adjusted to my nastiness (which he hadn't witnessed once during the two years we were together) whenever I became hungry, wet, hot, cold, tired, sleepy etc.
Ve Vant more pictures of you and Bill TOGETHER!
jeeheon, you're hilarious!!!!
sandboarding looks like tons of fun!!! snowboarding without the cold part!!
and the toilet does not look that bad!!
i've heard of skype long ago, but never used it, haha~
try mastering the art of selfing!!
Huachinananana looks pretty cool. If your budget doesn't cover rooms wtih toilet seats then I would consider upping the budget. We will put together a fund back here called the "The Bill and Jeeheon Toilet Fund" to make sure you guys always have enough money to stay in hotel rooms with clean,working toilets.
Sue - I know! We are trying to quit smoking, which makes the whole ´travel crankiness´ much worse. Yesterday we had a screaming fight over whether we were going to leave the curtains open or closed in the hotel room. Perhaps we should just go back to smoking...
Woni - We have about 560 pictures so far, and only 10 of them are of both of us. It takes too much effort ask someone to take our pictures...Plus then we have to make small talk.
Nana - Sandboarding was fun. I didn´t stand on it but rather laid on my stomach on the board and sled down the hill head first. I could control the speed by sticking my feet in the sand. Anyway, after living in the OC for 2 years, I have lost all my tolerance for dirty bathrooms.
RB - hehe, that hotel was a fluke. It was suppose to have been nice and clean according to our guidebook, which is unfortunately from 2003. We were too lazy to try a different hotel. Could you put together ¨Bill Clean Socks Fund¨ too? He insists on wearing nasty dirty socks again.
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