Costa Rica - Manuel Antonio
We spent one night in San Jose and took a bus to Manuel Antonio. It is the rainy season in Costa Rica right now and they weren´t kidding - it rained non-stop for our first two days here. After that, it has been going from cloudy to sunny to rain, all in about one hour.

We had big plans for our two weeks in Costa Rica. But we found a nice, cheap hotel that´s owned by a Korean lady - I get the Korean discount, plus the lady cooks us meals sometimes (including kimchi!!), takes us to the super market, does our laundry for free... And we have A/C, TV and fridge in our room! So we are spending our entire two weeks here. We needed a break anyways.
Bill´s long-lost twin from the Manuel Antonio national park: 
Sarong - dress, beach towel, sheet, blanket in the freezing air-conditioned bus...The uses are endless
I made the mistake of not wearing bug-repellent my first night here and got eaten alive by mutant mosquitos. (Mom, no worries, no malaria in Costa Rica.) By actual count, I have about 60 bites on my body, like so:
I made the mistake of not wearing bug-repellent my first night here and got eaten alive by mutant mosquitos. (Mom, no worries, no malaria in Costa Rica.) By actual count, I have about 60 bites on my body, like so:
Sorry if you were eating. For some reason, I get bitten A LOT more than Bill does - I think it´s because men are more hairy than women. Perhaps I should stop shaving my legs for the duration of our stay here (Again, sorry if you were eating).
Bonus Item - Costa Rica suicide shower. The white thing taped on to the shower head is the ELECTRIC heater for hot water:
You will definitely see a lot of those showers in South America! =)
You guys made a wise decision to relax because keeping up with schedules and visiting a million different places in such a limited amount of time can get pretty stressful at times! We had a long "vacation away from vacation" in Dahab (Egypt). All we did for two weeks was sleep, eat and scuba dive. I still think that was one of the best parts of our trip. ^^
Have fun!!
I think Bill should start shaving his legs for the experiment.
PS. Bill - still have a few ounces of Macallan left here. Stop by for a drink on your way out of Costa Rica..... Donnie
Yeah, I am glad we decided to stay put for couple weeks...We finally feel 'normal' again, no weird stomache issues or fatigue. And the Korean hotel lady ordered us pizza last night!
Not sure if Bill will go for the shaved leg look, but I am trying to convince him to grow his hair out - I want to see if it's as funny looking as I've heard.
hey guys!
Jeeheon's mosquito leg is the grossest thing i've ever seen in a looong time. I got 'sorreum'! hope you are ok..
and fyi, for your upcoming trip in Peru, check out the link about the 'other Machu Pichu', which is perched up on a mountain, similar to the Machu Pichu ruins, but relatively 'undiscovered'.(
which one is Bill's long-lost twin?? the monkey or the lizard? :p
Viva la Korean discount! FYI, the Korean food I had in Peru (I think it was in Miraflores right next to Lima) was awesome! I think that was the only Korean restaurant in town and it was frequented by the Samsung expats. You can never have enough Korean food.
So is your hotel near Manuel Antonio? If you're staying on the coast you have to go marlin fishing. The Pacific coast of Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world for big game fishing.
Macallans update: gone. Sorry Bill. I tried to save it, I really did.
Jeeheon - hope your bug bites are going away. Also, I cut my hair - had to, job interview (no results to date).
Can't wait for your next post!
Woni - Bill wants me to wear long pants when I go through the customs in Peru because I look like I have some nasty infectious diseases. Thanks for the NY Times article - maybe we will check it out!
Jikja - the Korean hotel lady actually got teary eyed when we were leaving! We will be staying in Miraflores (supposed to be safer than Lima), so we will definitely be going to the Korean restaurant.
RB - our hotel was in Manuel Antonio. We actually looked into sport fishing, but it was too expensive - $400 to charter a boat for a day. So we went white-water rafting instead.
Donnie - haha, can´t wait to see the short hair. I can´t imagine what you look like...
I have to admit that I did become teary eyed when I said good-bye to the Korean dry cleaning lady on my block when I left NYC.... Looking forward to the report from Peru!
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