Thursday, June 21, 2007

Peru - Cuzco

Bill was taking above picture of me in the main plaza when the two little girls jumped in the picture (for a tip, of course). Savvy business women, these two, complete with the baby llama for maximum cuteness!

There are rainbow flags everywhere. I was very impressed with how gay-friendly Cuzco was until Bill told me that they are actually the official city flag:

June 24 is Inti Raymi (the Festival of the Sun) in Cuzco, and the week leading up to it is Cuzco week. There were parades and street parties every night:

Inti Raymi, recreation of Inca ceremony, was something of a let-down. If we hadn´t mistakenly gotten there three hours early, we probably would have liked it better. (Those orange chairs are $80 seats. We watched it from the surrounding hills along with other thousands of people.)

Koricancha temple in Cuzco - we could see where the Spanish built a church over the Inca structure:
Inca citadel and terrace farming in Pisaq (a town 30km from Cuzco):

Bonus Item: video clip of me trying to pat a llama.


Anonymous said...

Jeeheon, wow, it's amazing how many freckles you have acquired in just a couple months!


Anonymous said...

so did u actually get to pat the llama or did u just "try" to?
looks like u guys are having tons of fun!


Anonymous said...


God I'm sooo jealous. You guys look like you're having a blast.

One request - more videos!!!!


Ricky Bobby said...

I am still laughing about the gay friendly thing.

Anonymous said...

Great blogging! Enjoy those pisco sours. I haven't had one in years.


Anonymous said...

You can hear Bill's heavy breathing in the video, a bit porn-ish if you ask me.

Jeeheon said...

Chris - yeah, I think I will have to laser them out once I get back to Orange County. I will talk Jikja into coming with me to get some expensive procedures done.

Seolwon - The video doesn´t show how I almost stepped on a mound of llama dung (black pallets, looks like beans). I didn´t feel like petting the llama (or eating beans) after that...

Shujaat - I just figured out how to post videos! (Computer savvy I am not). I love them, but it takes inhuman patience to load a video in the internet cafes...

RB - Are you sure you and Kathy can´t meet us in Buenos Aires? We hear steaks are $8 there. It will be just like our dinners at Outback Costa Mesa.

Michael - I didn´t know you´ve been to Peru! Or is Pisco Sour another popular thing in the US that I somehow missed...

Brooklyn - All I know is, we had to pay an exorbitant cable bill after you guys´ visit last time...