Monday, October 1, 2007

Turkey - Bodrum & Ephesus

Bodrum is a beach resort town, just a tiny bit Cancun-like, with its Friday foam parties at the night club and all (no we didn´t go - it was $30 to get in). Bill recovered from his first trip injury at Bodrum - when we were in Kos, Greece, we had rented a scooter to go to the beach. As we were driving on a fairly large road with cars speeding by to pass us, a bee flew INSIDE Bill`s shirt and stung him on his stomach! Bill is feeling better now - I think the beers helped.

We then went to the town of Selçuk to visit the ancient classical city of Ephesus.

This was the library, built in 135 A.D :

Harbor street - it used to be the sea where the street ends:
2000 year-old public bathroom:
This is the current town mosque in Selçuk:
Bonus Item - an oxymoron:


pooliod said...

Can you get me one of those watches? Better yet, grab one from LAX when you return and tell me it's a fake genuine watch from Turkey.

Bill - Can you spare a square?


Anonymous said...

It's on my "Must visit before I die" list!
Everytime I visit your blog, I just want to drop everything and join you guys!


Anonymous said...

I wish I was dropping a deuce next to Bill instead of studying.

Anonymous said...

Pool: I can spare a whole role for you buddy. However the Ephesians were tougher than most -- they just used rocks.

Seolwon: Come on out. They have awesome tequila in Turkey.

Susan: Quit school and come join. Benny will still be pulling in the paychecks.


Anonymous said...

Hey, do you guys remember seeing "Dewan Carpets" in Seljuk? I bought my "genuine handmade ancient Turkish carpet" there. I think that guy ripped me off. I have a strong suspicion that it was made in China.