Thailand - Krabi
Hoping to see something 'cultural', I dragged Bill away from the beaches into the mainland town of Krabi for couple nights. We took a songthaew (truck with seats in the back) to Wat (Temple) Tam Sua.
In the songthaew:
Wat Tam Sua: 

As recommended by the guidebook, we climbed up 1272 of steep stairs to the top of a cliff for the view and the Buddha statute.
The view:
The Buddha statute:
I didn't think it was worth the hike up. This is me about to pass out from all that exercise in the heat:
Bill at a street food stall - all restaurants, from the expensive ones to the street ones like this, have at least four condiments on the table for the four fundamental Thai tastes: spiciness (crushed chilly peppers), sourness (vinegar), saltiness (fish sauce or soy sauce) and sweetness (white sugar):
Jeeheon, you look like you have a new travel outfit and day bag. You weren't kidding, you must have really burned all your old stuff!
I vote for returning to the beach paradise.
i cannnot believe you guys walked all the way up those stairs.. i remember going to that temple and hating it, because there were so many monkeys just ready to jump at me(apparently they could smell the 1-week old sneakers i didn't even know i had in my bag). i couldn't wait to get out of there!
Susan - yeap, I threw away EVERYTHING except for the kungfu master shirt.
Kathy - we couldn't stay away for long...we are back in the beach!
Hyewon - The guidebook said it was worth the walk up. The guidebook needs to get out more. I won't be surprised if those monkeys stole money from tourists and bought themselves bananas.
haha jeeheon there you were dying from the climb up the stairs. Now you know how I feel when you and billy made me climb that freakin mountian lol. Karma! lol. Sounds like you guys are having fun
Thailand, one of the most relaxing places on the planet.
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