India - Udaipur
I think Udaipur is the most dirty city we have been on this trip. After two years in Newport Beach, my tolerance for filth has gone down significantly; the sight of cow dung with a bunch of flies around it makes me a bit nauseous. And it has a large number of children 'collecting foreign coins.' (At least one tourist fell for this one, because we had a kid following us around trying to exchange his US quarter coin for Indian rupees.)
At the same time, Udaipur is absolutely fascinating - magnificent palaces and temples along the lake, women wearing colorful saris, people bathing in the lake, holy men in orange robes, artisans doing leather work, cows everywhere...
Women doing laundry at the lake:
Street cows - they don't belong to anyone and just roam the streets:
Jagdish Temple - first Hindi temple we have ever been to:
Almost all women wear saris here:
City palace: 
Poor Susan has a bad case of 'Delhi-belly' and was laid up for a whole day - I am pretty sure she was wishing she had gone to Hawaii for her vacation instead:
hope you guys are not going to pakistan,
be safe!
holy cow!
I have been waiting 9 months for that one... he he
Also, what nana said "be safe"!
Pls take care! poor susan.
did you get to have the real dosas yet. Hyun and Sid
Nana - nope, no Pakistan. The most dangerous thing that happened was a street cow that almost charged at Bill once...
Donnie - there is also 'holy s%$#', a product of the holy cow, hehe.
Hyunhee & Sid - we went to Banana Leaf restaurant in Delhi and had dosas! Susan is in love with them and looks for it on every menu.
- Jeeheon
did u get to try sid's in nairobi?
well, they're not actually sid's but you know what i mean,
i wish they had them here!!!!
We had dosas in Nairobi with Hyunhee & Sid - delicious!
- Jeeheon
Beautiful pics! Due to what I told you before I probably won't be traveling to India anytime soon so it was great seeing your pics. :) Anyway I figured this was the best way to reach you..Happy New Year!! Hope 2008 trips are as fun as the ones you've taken so far. Be safe, and healthy!
Seunghee - Happy New Year! I stopped drinking water on this trip so I don't have to use the public bathrooms...have been dehydrated for 9 months. I do drink an occasional orange fanta.
Hey! This is Maheep. I belong to Udaipur. I don't think Udaipur is that dirty as you said. It is one of the most reached tourist destination in whole India. It has been ranked 7th best city in the world (The best in India). :)
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