Jordan - Petra
We saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in the hotel's DVD collection and tried to watch it the night before in preparation of our Petra visit, but the DVD didn't work. I suspect that the hotel guy scratched the DVD on purpose, because he was complaining about how he saw that movie over 30 times. I was not happy with our hotel, because we killed three baby roaches in our room.
The stone city of Petras was built in the 3rd century BC by the Nabataens. First, we walked on this siq, created by earth quakes, for 1.2kms:
Just when it got tiring and I began to wonder if it will ever end, we came upon this view:
This is the Treasury (it is actually a tomb, but is called a Treasury because people believed treasures were hidden there):
We walked up 850 steps (because we were too cheap to hire donkeys to take us):
and reached this Monastery (the cafe tent across from the building had strategically placed props for maximum photo effect):
Walking to the royal tombs:
Petra is huge; we met a French guy that spent four days there. Having a much shorter attention span, we only spent a day there, but walked around a lot and tried to see as much as we could.
I've always wanted to go to Petra..
Is that you Jee Heon in the wide brimmed ahjuma hat?
Jordan looks incredible.
Woni - told you to meet us in Amman! Petra is very impressive...
Susan - even with the ahjuma hat, I have over 20 new freckles. (Translation: ahjuma is a slightly derogatory and yet endearing Korean word for housewife)
- Jeeheon
do you want me to get you that hat+mask combo that all the ajummas wear when they go hiking, and sometimes even when they just walk along the streams?
but petra, i will definitely go one of these days!!!
Just remember to make an appointment when you get to Korea to get your freckles zapped!
Nana - I may have to get one of those!
Susan - I got them zapped two years ago and walked around Seoul with chicken-pox face for a week (the laser burns the skin), and the whole thing grew back! I blame the California sun, maybe I should move to Alaska.
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