Bill Speedo Pictures and Central & South America Recap
Despite some voting irregularities (those of you that voted more than once - have you no respect for the democratic process?), Bill has accepted the majority opinion. Here are some Bill speedo pictures:After almost four month, we are finally leaving South America and headed to Spain. We had a great time here and picked up some rudimentary Spanish along the way. We will definitely be coming back!
1. Number of countries visited: 9 (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil)
2. Favorite country: Peru, with Argentina a close second
3. Favorite city: Buenos Aires, Argentina, with Cuzco, Peru a close second
4. Number of hotel rooms stayed at: 48 (this includes the day in Tulum, Mexico when we paid for two hotel rooms in one day because I refused to sleep in the first hotel room for another night)
5. Number of times I puked due to motion sickness: 1 (on the bus to Arequipa, Peru)
6. Number of times Bill puked due to the consumption of too much aged rum: 1 (in San Pedro, Guatemala)
7. Total pounds lost between us: 18
8. Number of days we suffered from diarrhea: 20
9. Number of times Bill stepped on dog poo: 1 (Colonia, Uruguay)
10. Number of times Bill and I got into an argument: too many to count
11. Some strange habits we seem to have developed:
- We are now obsessed with plastic bags. We never throw them away and when we get a good, sturdy one, we argue over who gets to keep them.
- We sniff all clothes before putting them on. Even when the clothes have just come back from the laundry mat and we know for a fact that they are clean, we still sniff them to enjoy the clean, fresh aroma.
Bonus Item 1: This is a video clip of me trying to pat a carpincho (the carpincho is in the middle of the screen in the shadows):
[See next post for the video - I can´t seem to get Google video to embed as part of a post]
Bonus Item 2 - Bill´s haircut saga.
Bonus Item 2 - Bill´s haircut saga.
Bill first went to the hairdresser and she gave him this Dumb & Dumber style cut:
A week later, Bill went to another hairdresser to salvage the hair, and she gave him this Full Metal Jacket cut: 
great post here guys. I was laughing out loud from speedo to hair cut and with all the fun facts in between. have fun in Spain. Bon voyage, Dan
I can't believe you were wearing that on the street even.
bill, you're a hottie! i can't believe you'd wear speedos walking around town!!! haha, thumbs up!!
i like your army haircut, you lost so much weight!
jee, still missing korean food? i'm sure you'll find something in spain!
safe travels and i know what you mean by smelling your clothes, i did that in africa, haha!
"The water's cold, really, I swear"
We'll 'see' you on the other side of the Atlantic!
Nice chub, Billy. Too bad you got rid of the re-re cut. You guys should have had to travel around in a shortbus as long as you were sporting that one.
--Captain Morningwood
We actually ended up hanging out on the beach with Jeremy and his co-workers who were in Rio on the speedo picture day. Bill had not counted on there being live audiences to the photo shoot and was shy at first. But later in the day, he wouldn´t put his pants back on...
- Jeeheon
Bill - just shave the head and start over.
Hahahaha!!! I checked this from my sister's house and my nieces and newphew were looking over my shoulder. We all had a good laugh about the speedo and the haircuts. Have fun in Spain!
First off, Brazilians wear speedo´s out and about on the town (okay, just within a three block radius of the beach). Second, I kind of like the speedo. So much so, in fact, that there may be more to come . . .
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