Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Top 5 things that worry us the most


1. Bathrooms and other digestive issues (e.g. see bathroom picture on the right)

2. Bugs, rats and other rodents

3. Getting old woman skin due to constant sun exposure

4. Safety

5. Becoming unemployable when I come back


1. Starting the trip in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, and finding himself still there one year later

2. Bill claims he has no other fears (lier!)


Chris said...

You spelled "liar" incorrectly. I can't believe you beat me in Scrabble!

Also, there is a good chance you will have more freckles than Lindsey Lohan when you return.

Anonymous said...

My hair got fried during my 8-month trip from too much sun exposure! We didn't have any problems with food (even in Africa)but we did come across some pretty appalling toilets (in Africa). =) Always carry toilet paper with you. Good luck!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, beware of fleas and bedbugs, even in the cleaner hotel rooms...Their bites leave large red swell marks that itch like hell and leave dark marks on your skin that can last for months! (I can still see traces of the flea bite marks from Africa and S.America)
