San Juan Chamula:
From San Cristobal, we took a ´collectivo´mini van to the Mayan town of San Juan Chamula. Collectivo vans wait around to be filled up (and I mean filled up, with children on adults´ laps and even saw a live chicken in the back with the luggage) and take passengers to other towns. It´s an interesting way to get around if going a short distance. I had tons of fun embarrassing the little kids by winking at them every time they turned around to take a look at the ´Japonese´.
This was the return collectivo ride. It wasn´t as full as the way there:

Sunday is the market day at Chamula. I wasn´t so impressed with the market (looked much like the market in San Cristobal), but inside the church was amazing! The Mayans in Chamula practice a mix of Christianity and Mayan religion. There were no seats in the church, but rather, the floor was covered with pine needles, with flowers all along the sides, about a thousand candles burning and incenses. People sat on the floor, lighted about a hundred candles, gave offerings of Coca-Cola and live chicken and prayed. It was unexpectedly moving.
This is actually a picture of the market and the church in Chumula from a post card. We were told that many Mayans take offense at being photographed (I would too if some random person came up and snapped my picture), some for religious reasons, so we didn´t take any pictures.

The church also had a strictly no photo policy, but the floor looked much like this with the pine needles:

Cañón de El Sumidero:
We took a boat tour of the Sumidero canyon. On a rather gross note, Bill was (and still is) having ´overly-active´indigestion issues and was looking rather green on the 2 hour boat ride. My digestive system, on the other hand, has completely stopped functioning, so Bill and I are jealous of each other.
The canyon:

This is a very bad picture of a monkey on a tree:

We also saw alligators and exotic birds, but of course our camera battery died 10 minuites into the boat ride so we don´t have any pictures. Plus, Bill was in no mood for pictures.
Vacation from vacation: Bill found an X-Box parlor. $1 per hour to play.

Spanish class: We are taking Spanish classes in San Cristobal (2 hours a day for 5 days). This is our Spanish teacher, Marco Antonio. We think he is a romantic, because we have learned words like ´soul´, ´suffering´, ´existence´ and ´earth´ in Spanish.